Our company, Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a. s., was established as an independent legal entity on 21 January 2002, as a legal successor after unbundling of electricity transmission and production from Slovenské elektrárne, a joint-stock company. We operate as the operator of the transmission system in the Slovak Republic including the Slovak Load Dispatching Office (SED). We provide for electricity transmission on the territory of Slovakia and synchronous interconnection of the Slovak electricity system and electricity systems of the states in Continental Europe. We are a member of the international group of the European Network of the Transmission System Operators for Electricity ENTSO-E. As a responsible transmission system operator, we perceive this membership not only as a legal obligation but especially as an opportunity to exchange the best practical experience and for permanent improvement. ENTSO-E associates up to 39 transmission system operators operating in 35 European countries which is more than the number of the European Union Member States.
The property portfolio of our company includes more than 3,100 km of electric lines which is more than septuple of the Slovakia’s length from the east to the west. Electric lines are installed on more than 7,300 towers erected in the rugged terrain in various altitudes. The electricity distribution system includes 22 substations and 40 transformers for voltage level adjustment.
Through using of system services, we guarantee continued maintaining of electricity supply quality and operational reliability of the electricity system of the Slovak Republic. Moreover, we provide for electricity transit, export, and import all while respecting the environment protection principles. Our priorities are safety and reliability of the power system, keeping up with the latest technologies, application of the European legislation and investments in human capital. We encourage the development of electrification of Slovakia aimed at energy transformation and support of carbon neutrality.
Our values
Reliable partner
All our activities focus on ensuring safe and stable transmission system and provision of electricity transmission on the dynamically changing market. We operate and develop the transmission system so as to be prepared for the future and coming changes related to the new decentralized market design. This, in particular, pertains to replacement of standard central generation sources by new diffuse sources with interrupted electricity production, extremely demanding in terms of the system stability provision. These are, for example wind- and sun-based sources. Due to progressing decarbonization using electrification we are witnessing increased demands also for the system digitisation.
During the 20-year operation, we have invested more than EUR 1 billion in the transmission system development. Significant investments were made in regard to substation building in various locations of Slovakia. We have devoted lots of energy and money to planning and execution of capacity strengthening for international interconnections of the Slovak transmission system with the surrounding transmission systems, in particular in the south, where in 2021 we commissioned the new 2×400 kV Gabčíkovo – Gönyű – Veľký Ďur and 2×400 kV Rimavská Sobota – Sajóivánka high-voltage lines. In the coming future, we intend to build a new remotely-controlled substation in the Bratislava town district of Vajnory which will help maintain safe and reliable electricity supply in the capital city.
Responsible manager
Working with own money properly is a challenge for every company. Working using money of ordinary people and entrepreneurs is a great responsibility. We approach finances with respect and in a responsible manner. We achieve more efficient and more transparent functioning by strengthening of competition, by efficient management and by increase of procurement efficiency. As a responsible manager we invest and manage the transmission system in a way so as to co-participate in creation of fair price for electricity for end customers.
Attractive employer
The basis of every company are its people who form its core. The company will operate satisfactorily only when having a quality and incentivized team. Our ambition is to create and develop a motivating work environment which will allow everyone to fully apply their potential, to actively contribute to fulfilment of the mission of our company and, especially, which will be a reason to come to work and to perform everyday work with good feeling and enthusiasm.
Our visual identity
Green colour in a new logo refers to the original company logo. It symbolizes nature, ecology, development, moving forward and progress. Blue colour was added to the green one in a new concept. Blue colour represents reliability, responsibility and stability. It is a colour referring to metal – a material used for production of transmission towers and lines.

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The original slogan “Bringing Energy To You” referred to electricity transmission from the producer to the consumer. At present we shift to the decentralized market where it is important that the energy – whether it is electricity, human energy or another one is always in the right place. This is the only way we will succeed in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions within this decade by 55 %, what we committed ourselves to within the European Green Deal. This aim is supported also by our new slogan:

Energy is deemed to be a driver of SEPS in various forms:
- energy in the electricity system due to which households can have light, enterprises can be in operation, hospitals can treat,
- energy provided for innovative projects and modern infrastructure,
- energy necessary for efficient and transparent economy,
- energy directed towards quality international cooperation,
- energy and incentives for our teams, our female and male colleagues.