Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. (PSE) and Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a. s. (SEPS) acting as Transmission System Operators (TSOs) respectively in Poland and in Slovakia inform that the Intra-Day capacity allocation on Polish-Slovak border will be temporarily suspended as of 19/20.11.2019 (the last delivery day for which the intra-day allocation of capacities on the SK / PL profile will take place is the delivery day 19.11.2019). The suspension results from the implementation of the Single Intra-Day Coupling (SIDC) via XBID 2nd wave go-live in Poland which does not cover the Polish-Slovak bidding zone border. After successful launch of XBID 2nd wave, implementation of an interim solution based on the explicit auction mechanism (Interim Solution) is planned for the Polish-Slovak border. The gap between the launch of XBID 2nd wave and the Interim Solution results from the need to implement the explicit auction mechanism integrated with SIDC on the PSE side and is expected to last for about 2 months. Implementation of the Interim Solution in the second half of January 2020 is possible due to effective cooperation of both TSOs.
Information on the go-live date of Interim Solution on Polish-Slovak border shall be provided by the TSOs well in advance.
The expected target solution is to include the Polish-Slovak border in the SIDC.
SEPS as the transmission system operator in the territory of Slovakia due to the announced temporary interruption of the allocation of transmission capacities within the time frame of the intraday market at the SK-PL border informs that the explicit allocation of cross-border transmission capacities within the time frame of the intraday market at the SK-CZ and SK-HU borders will continue as before.