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Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity are founding a new association to strengthen their co-operation in the European electricity market


Prague, 27th June, 2008 – The Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of 36 European TSO companies from 31 countries signed today a Declaration of Intent, as a proactive step ahead of the draft Third Legislative Package to create a new association, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), before the end of 2008. The new TSO-body will be established for the need of the TSO community and in accordance with the principles set out by the draft Third Legislative Package of the Internal Electricity Market.

The establishment of ENTSO-E will further strengthen TSO cooperation in a number of key areas, such as the development of technical and market-related network codes and the coordination of system operation and grid development, with the aim of enhancing the integration of the European electricity market, contributing to a sustainable energy environment and ensuring secure and reliable operation of the European power transmission system.

Binding TSO membership in ENTSO-E, as proposed by the EC, is one key to success for the new body and will accelerate the development of common codes contributing to reliable and efficient pan-European and regional electricity markets. Moreover, ENTSO-E will work with a clear mandate in line with market expectations and in consultation with European Regulators and the Commission. This new environment will enable TSOs to focus on transparent objectives and to speak with “one TSO voice” on the issues concerning the Internal Electricity Market.

The Declaration of Intent signed today represents a major step to kick off further work in the autumn with external stakeholders regarding the processes and positions in the name of ENTSO-E, under the framework of the future legislation.

The CEOs of TSO companies agreed to propose to Presidents of current TSO associations, i.e. European Transmission System Operators (ETSO), Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE), Nordel, UKTSOA (UK), BALTSO (Baltics) and ATSOI (Ireland and Northern Ireland), to initiate the necessary procedures to transfer their activities to the new TSO body and to wind-up their respective associations as soon as ENTSO-E is established and the transfer of activities has been accomplished.

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